Including Cross Border Debts
All debts, including payday loans and international debts, should be listed in a bankruptcy filing. Cross-border debts may require special handling, but they can be included. Its crucial to consult with your bankruptcy attorney for specific advice on how to proceed with these creditors.Full Conversation
I have filed bankruptcy today but there are two creditors: one from Canada and one without a physical address. I was informed not able to include those in the bankruptcy. What do I do now
Hi Renee,
You should be able to include all creditors in your bankruptcy, regardless of their location or whether they have a physical address. It’s essential to list every debt to get the discharge. Did your bankruptcy attorney advise you on this?
The paralegal said the debts cannot be included. Especially the one from Canada. They are payday loan debts does that matter
Payday loans can be included in bankruptcy, but cross-border debts might have specific rules. Here are a few points to consider:
- All debts, including payday loans, should be listed.
- Cross-border debts can be included but may need special handling.
- Consult directly with your bankruptcy attorney for clarification.
Have you discussed this issue directly with your attorney yet?