Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Concerns


Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy generally triggers an automatic stay, which halts most collection activities, including lawsuits related to your debt. It is advisable to inform the creditor about your ongoing bankruptcy proceedings to ensure they are aware of the automatic stay. Consult your bankruptcy attorney for personalized advice and to ensure all necessary steps are taken.

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I currently have a lot of debt over my head. I have been working with an attorney to get a chapter * started . This morning i recieved a call from a compliance officer for an order of location. They were trying to reach me on an old debt and trying to take me to court. If i am trying to file bankruptcy right now then should i be worried about them?
Hello ****, it's important to know your location to provide accurate guidance. However, generally:
- Filing for Chapter * bankruptcy usually triggers an automatic stay, halting most collection activities.
- This includes lawsuits related to your debt.
- It's advisable to inform this creditor about your bankruptcy proceedings.