Dissolving Llc In New York


To dissolve an LLC in New York, you must pay all outstanding fees and taxes, including Biennial Statement fees. After settling these obligations, file the Articles of Dissolution with the New York Department of State.

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I want to dissolve an LLC. Do I need to pay the BOI before I dissolve it?
In New York, before dissolving an LLC, you generally need to pay any outstanding fees and taxes, including the Biennial Statement (BOI) fees.
- Ensure that all state fees, taxes, and any other obligations are paid.
- File the Articles of Dissolution with the New York Department of State.
Do you need help with the specific steps to file the Articles of Dissolution?
No, thank you.
It sounds like you have a good understanding of what is required to dissolve your LLC in New York. If you need any more information or run into any issues, feel free to reach out. Good luck with everything!