Starting Business Accusation Response


If you are starting a business and face false accusations, gather all evidence related to your work, remain silent if formally accused until you have legal representation, and report harassment to local authorities. Pregnancy is protected under the Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act. Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.

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I am trying to start my own business here in Tennessee I went above and beyond to help a lady out cut down the price significantly and haven't been back to her home in * weeks going on * she recently just messaged me saying I stole something of hers which I did not I asked her for the detectives number and badge number where I can also talk to the detective about this issue and she will not give it to me she is making accusations that are not true and I don't know what to do about it
Hello Taylor, I understand this is a difficult situation.
*. Gather all evidence related to the job you did (contracts, receipts, etc.).
*. If accused formally, remain silent until you have legal representation.
*. You can report harassment or false accusations to your local police department.
If a formal accusation is made, hire a defense attorney.
I was supposed to clean her house today but I am in my third trimester of my pregnancy and cannot clean today and since I did not show up she came at me with this
Hello Taylor,
From a legal standpoint:
*. If a formal accusation is made, do not respond without legal representation.
*. Pregnancy is protected under the Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act.
*. You have the right to file a police report if you feel harassed.
Please consult a local attorney for more detailed advice.