Dissolve Unused Arkansas Business


To dissolve an unused business in Arkansas, file Articles of Dissolution and a Final Franchise Tax Report. Even if no revenue was generated, these forms are required. Indicate zero revenue in the Final Franchise Tax Report. For the Articles of Dissolution, provide the business name, date of incorporation, and reason for dissolution. Ensure all sections are accurately completed and signed.

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What forms do I need to file in the state of Arkansas to dissolve a business that was never used?
Hi Holly! To dissolve a business in Arkansas, you generally need to file the following forms:
- Articles of Dissolution with the Arkansas Secretary of State.
- Final Franchise Tax Report.
Do you need any specific guidance on completing these forms?
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Hi Holly! Here's a bit more detail to help you:
- Articles of Dissolution: This form formally dissolves your business. You'll need to provide information like the business name, date of incorporation, and reason for dissolution.

- Final Franchise Tax Report: Ensure all taxes are paid up to the date of dissolution.
Do you need help with any specific sections of these forms?
What if I never made any money?
If your business never made any money, you still need to file the Articles of Dissolution and Final Franchise Tax Report. However, you might not owe any taxes. It's essential to indicate that the business had no revenue in the Final Franchise Tax Report.
Would you like guidance on filling out these specific sections?
Hi Holly! For the Final Franchise Tax Report, indicate zero revenue in the appropriate section. For Articles of Dissolution, ensure you accurately state the date of incorporation and reason for dissolution. Do you need a step-by-step guide for filling out these forms?
Hi Holly! Here's a step-by-step guide for filling out the forms:
Articles of Dissolution:
*. Business Name: Enter the exact name of your business.
*. Date of Incorporation: Provide the date your business was incorporated.
*. Reason for Dissolution: Clearly state that the business was never used and had no revenue.
*. Signature: Sign the form where required.
Final Franchise Tax Report:
*. Revenue Section: Indicate zero revenue.
*. Tax Calculation: If applicable, calculate based on zero income.
*. Signature: Sign and date the form.
Would you need any additional help with these steps?