Defend Child Custody Rights


In New Jersey, courts decide child custody based on the childs best interests. Factors include parental fitness, communication, home stability, and the childs preference. Collect evidence to prove you are a fit parent.

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Currently battling a child custody and placement case with the father of my child .. he is trying to have my rights taken away how do I defend myself
What evidence do you have to prove that you are a fit parent?
In New Jersey, courts consider the best interest of the child when deciding custody. Factors include:
- Parent's ability to agree, communicate and cooperate
- Relationship of the child with its parents and siblings
- History of domestic violence
- Safety of the child
- Preference of the child when of sufficient age
- Stability of the home environment
- Quality and continuity of the child's education
- Fitness of the parents
- Geographical proximity of the parents' homes
- Extent and quality of the time spent with the child prior to or subsequent to the separation
- Parents' employment responsibilities
- Age and number of children
Is there anything else I can help with?