Holiday Parenting Time Precedence


In Indiana, holiday parenting time generally takes precedence over regular parenting time. If your parenting agreement doesnt specify how to handle overlaps, its best to communicate and agree on a solution. If an agreement cant be reached, consider mediation or legal advice.

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My co parent has our child usually on Wednesdays from 3pm -6pm, however this year he has fall break which does not start till 6pm to sunday at 6pm. So does our child leave with him at 3pm or 6pm? I know holiday takes precedence but the regular parenting time does not overlap so im confused.
Does your parenting agreement specify how to handle situations where regular parenting time and holiday time overlap?
- In Indiana, holiday parenting time generally takes precedence over regular parenting time.
- If not specified, it's best to communicate and agree on a solution.
In Indiana, when the parenting agreement doesn't specify, it's best to communicate and agree on a solution. If you can't agree, consider mediation or legal advice. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
it doesnt overlap, regular and holiday are the same day
In Indiana, if regular and holiday parenting time fall on the same day, holiday parenting time takes precedence. Is there anything else I can assist you with?