Guardian Ad Litem Process


To request a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) in Minnesota, file a Motion for Appointment of GAL and an Affidavit in Support of Motion for GAL. Serve the other party with these documents. If concerned about your childs safety due to the other parents alcohol misuse, you can request supervised visitation or a custody modification. Gather evidence, such as past DUI records, and consult a local attorney or Legal Aid of Minnesota for further assistance.

Full Conversation

In Minnesota, including Mower county:
- File a motion requesting a GAL in your custody case.
- The court will appoint a GAL if it deems it's in the child's best interest.
- GAL fees are typically divided among the parties.
Consult a local attorney for detailed advice.
It sounds like you understand the process. Do you have any other questions on this topic or is there anything else you would like to know about legal issues in Minnesota?
What paperwork would that be ?
To request a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) in Minnesota, you'll typically need to fill out:
- A "Motion for Appointment of GAL" form
- An "Affidavit in Support of Motion for GAL"
Local court or attorney can provide these forms.
Great, it seems you're on the right track. Do you need more information about where to submit these forms or do you have any other questions regarding the legal process in Minnesota?
Do i have to send a copy to the other party ?
Yes, in most cases, you are required to serve the other party with a copy of the motion and any supporting documents. This allows them to respond. It's best to confirm with a local attorney or court.
How am i supposeto protect my daughter then in explaining why this is to protect her
When explaining to your daughter, keep it simple and age-appropriate. Make sure she knows this person (GAL) is there to help ensure her best interests. Explain that they will talk to her, you, and the other parent, to help the court make decisions about her living arrangements.
It sounds like you are doing a great job navigating this process. Is there anything else you'd like to know about Guardians ad Litem, custody cases, or any other legal matters in Minnesota?
The problem i want to address is to protect her
I understand, your priority is to protect your child. Could you please specify what kind of protection are you referring to? This will help me provide more accurate information.
I understand the urgency. Are you referring to physical safety, emotional well-being, or both? This information will help me provide more specific guidance.
He has stated he has his gf drink all the time
It sounds like your concern is about alcohol use and its impact on your child's safety. In Minnesota, if you believe your child is in immediate danger, you can file for an Emergency Protective Order. Would you like more information on this process?
I see, you're concerned about alcohol use in the other home. In Minnesota, courts consider a child's physical and emotional well-being. If you believe your child's safety is at risk, you can request supervised visitation or a change in custody. Do you need information on how to do this?
If you believe your child's well-being is at risk due to alcohol misuse, you may want to seek changes to custody or visitation. In Minnesota, you can file for a Modification of a Custody Order. Would you like more guidance on this process?
Sure, in Minnesota, to modify a custody order:
- You need to file a "Motion to Modify Child Custody".
- Prove there's been a significant change in circumstances that endanger the child's physical or emotional health.
- Provide evidence of alcohol misuse.
- A local attorney or court can provide more details and forms.
It seems like you have understood the process. Do you need more information on how to collect evidence of alcohol misuse or any other related legal advice in Minnesota?
I have no evidence only her words
If you only have your child's words as evidence, it can be difficult but not impossible. You might consider getting a professional opinion, like from a child psychologist. Also, the GAL can be a powerful voice in court. Do you want information on how to proceed with limited evidence?
This has been an issue in the past
I understand your concern. If this issue has occurred in the past, were there any legal actions taken or any records of such incidents? This could be helpful in your case.
Yes please
It's good to hear that you have some records. Can you please specify what kind of records you have? These could be previous court orders, police reports, or any documented incidents. These can be crucial in your case.
No because it had been more than * yrs ago
Even if it's been more than 2 years, previous records may still be relevant. Could you please specify the nature of these records? This could help in building your case.
I provided all in court and they wouldnt do anything because it was more than * yrs ago
I understand your frustration. In Minnesota, while there's no strict time limit, courts generally require recent evidence for custody modifications. However, past instances can help establish a pattern of behavior. Consult a local attorney for further guidance.
It seems like you're facing some challenges. However, don't lose hope. Past instances can still be part of your case, especially if they show a pattern of behavior. Would you like to know more about legal resources available to you to ensure your child's safety in Minnesota?
Great, there are several resources available in Minnesota to help protect your child's safety. These include legal aid services, family services, and child protection agencies. Would you like more information on how to access these services?
Excellent. Legal Aid of Minnesota provides free legal services and the Minnesota Department of Human Services offers child protection services. Would you like more information on these services or how to contact them?
Great! Let's start with Legal Aid of Minnesota. They can assist you with your case and provide free legal advice. Would you like to know how to contact them, or would you prefer information on the services provided by the Minnesota Department of Human Services first?
Sure, here is the contact information for Legal Aid of Minnesota:

Legal Aid of Minnesota

Phone: (*) *-*

They provide free legal advice and can assist with your case.
It invovled driving drunk but i couldnt prove since he wasnt pulledoverbeing suicidal and non coherent drunk foaming at the mouth while my daughter was in his care
That sounds extremely worrying. In such cases, immediate action is necessary. In Minnesota, you can call Child Protective Services or the police if you believe your child is in immediate danger. Do you need contact information for these services?
It seems like you're in a distressing situation. In Minnesota, if you believe your child is in immediate danger, call *. For more support, you can contact the Minnesota Department of Human Services Child Safety Center at *-*-*. They can guide you further.
This was * yrs ago but it is a pattern and last dui was *-* yrs ago
It sounds like a recurring problem. In Minnesota, repeated DUIs can impact custody decisions. Would you like information on how to use this as evidence in your case?
Absolutely, in Minnesota:
- Gather all available documentation about the DUIs.
- Witness testimonies can be useful.
- Consult an attorney about presenting this evidence in court.
- Remember, the GAL can also investigate this issue.
Do you need help finding an attorney?
Great! There are several resources for finding a suitable attorney in Minnesota. Would you prefer a free legal aid service, or are you able to afford a private attorney?
It's important to find the right legal help. If you need free legal aid, Legal Aid of Minnesota is a good option. If you're able to afford private attorney, Minnesota State Bar Association provides a lawyer referral service. Which would you prefer?
I understand. Legal Aid of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Bar Association are both good options. Would you like the contact information for these organizations to discuss your situation further?
Sure, here are the contact details:
~Legal Aid of Minnesota
Phone: (*) *-*

~Minnesota State Bar Association
Phone: (*) *-*

Both can guide you in finding an attorney to help with your case.
Sure, here are the contact details:

Legal Aid of Minnesota

Phone: (*) *-*

Minnesota State Bar Association Lawyer Referral

Phone: (*) *-*

They can provide further assistance according to your needs.