Children Removed By Cps


In Minnesota, child protection agencies must investigate allegations of child abuse. Parents have the right to a court hearing and can create a case plan with the agency to address the issues. Consult with a local family law attorney for specific advice.

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My kids were taken by law enforcement and CPS is not allowing them to come home
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. It's crucial to understand the reasons behind this action. Could you provide more details, and let me know your location so I can provide the most accurate information?
There was an incident in January where my fiance was accused of abuse and they decided it was true without investigation and last Wednesday my son bumped his head during a conversation with my fiance and they removed both my older two kids that day after the kids school reported it. Duluth Minnesota
I'm sorry to hear that, ****. In Minnesota:
- Child protection agencies must investigate allegations of child abuse.
- Parents have the right to a court hearing.
- Parents can create a case plan with the agency to address the issues.
Please consult with a local family law attorney. They can provide specific advice for your case.