Child Custody Rights Indiana


In Indiana, if theres no custody order, both parents have equal rights. The law generally favors the parent with physical possession of the child. Document instances where the father denied access and consider filing for emergency temporary custody. Consult a family law attorney for personalized advice.

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My son's dad is keeping him from me he won't let me talk to him or see him is he legally allowed to do that neither of us have custody currently we go to court in December
Hi Victoria, sorry for your situation. Could you please tell me which state you are located in? That will help me provide more specific information.
Hello Victoria. In Indiana, if there's no custody order, both parents have equal rights. However, the law generally favors the parent who has physical possession of the child. It's recommended you:
- Document instances where the father denied access
- File for emergency temporary custody if necessary
- Consult with a family law attorney for advice
Thank u
You're welcome, Victoria. Remember, it's crucial to act quickly. If you need any more legal information, feel free to ask. Stay strong and good luck with your situation.