Child Custody Legal Steps


If your spouse refuses to return your child after a holiday visit, consider contacting a family law attorney and filing for custody or emergency custody. Seek legal advice specific to your case and contact the Davidson County Juvenile Court for further assistance.

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Hi Michael,
Could you please provide more details about your legal issue and your location? This will help me offer more specific information and guidance.
I allowed my wife to adopt my son . The two of them went to Indiana for the Thanksgiving holiday in *, she was suppose to return after the holiday. She came up with excuses to stay longer and I got upset because I had a big Christmas planned for us. When I asked when she was coming home, she said she wasn't going to and she would not bring my son home to me...what can I do. I've given her plenty of time to come home and I've been afraid to go up there to get him because there will be trouble and I don't want my son to go thru that. What can I do
Michael, I understand your concern. Since your wife is in Indiana and you want to bring your son back, you may need to consider legal action. Here are some general steps you can take:
- **Contact a Family Law Attorney**: They can provide specific advice based on your situation.
- **File for Custody**: You might need to file a custody petition in your state or in Indiana.
- **Request Emergency Custody**: If you believe your son is in immediate danger, this can be expedited.
Could you please provide your current location so I can guide you to the nearest family court?
Im in Nashville, Tennessee
Michael, here are some steps you can take to address your situation:
- **Contact a Family Law Attorney**: Seek legal advice specific to your case.
- **File for Custody**: You may need to file a custody petition in Tennessee or Indiana.
- **Request Emergency Custody**: If you believe your son is in immediate danger, this process can be expedited.

Davidson County Juvenile Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * Woodland St, Nashville, TN *
Do you need more information on how to file for custody or emergency custody?