Child Custody Visitation Concerns


In Ohio, child custody decisions are guided by the best interest of the child. Relevant factors include the relationship of the child with each parent, the mental and physical health of all parties, and the childs emotional needs. The court may consider a childs preferences if theyre of a suitable age and maturity. Its recommended to consult with a local family attorney for tailored advice.

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question about child custody
Hello Bea, I'd be happy to help with your child custody question. Could you please provide some specific details about your situation? Also, your location would be helpful to provide more accurate information.
father of child is wanting visitation after leaving her but child has severe anxiety has no clue who he is. he doesn’t even know her last name or what she looks like. only wanting to see her for his own benefit not for the childs
Hello Bea, I understand your concerns. Could you please tell me where you are located so I can provide the most accurate legal information for your situation?
In Ohio, child custody decisions are guided by the best interest of the child. Relevant factors include:
- The relationship of the child with each parent.
- The mental and physical health of all parties.
- The child's emotional needs.
The court may consider a child's preferences if they're of a suitable age and maturity. It's recommended to consult with a local family attorney for tailored advice.