Custody Case Jurisdiction Rules


In New York, the county with jurisdiction for custody disputes is typically where the child has lived for the last six months. If a custody case has already been initiated in one county, it generally continues there. Transfers between counties can occur but are not guaranteed.

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If i have full custody in one county. And the other parent wants full custody and they petition in their county. Would it be transferred to my county?
Hello ****, the venue for custody disputes typically is in the child's home county. However, it can vary depending on specific state laws. May I know which state you're in to provide more accurate information?
New York
Hello ****, in New York:
- The county that has jurisdiction is usually where the child has lived for the last six months.
- If a custody case has already been started in one county, it usually continues there.
- Transfers between counties can occur, but it's not guaranteed.
okay thank you
You're welcome, ****! If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, we're here to help.