Parental Relocation And Visitation

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I live in the state of wisconsin marinette county and i was wondering since the father of my child hasnt heen around for my son's whole life and he lives * miles from me can the court make him move closer or will they grant him to live the far away? He just got granted every other saturday visits at this point.
In Wisconsin:
- Courts generally can't force a parent to relocate for visitation.
- The court considers the best interests of the child, including maintaining relationships.
- Distance can impact the visitation schedule, potentially allowing longer but less frequent visits.
Please consult a local family law attorney for detailed advice.
So if i dont agree with him living there does he have to move?
In Wisconsin:
- Courts cannot force a parent to move just because the other parent disagrees.
- The primary focus is the child's best interest.
- Any substantial changes would require court intervention.
Please consult with a family law attorney for specific guidance.
What if the child has been with the
If the child has primarily been with you, this could influence the court's decision. However, Wisconsin law focuses on:
- The child's best interest
- Maintaining meaningful relationships with both parents
Please consult a family law attorney for personalized advice.