Detailed Parenting Plan Guide


To create a thorough parenting plan, include custody arrangements, visitation schedules, childcare, health care, communication protocols, transportation, financial responsibilities, parental guidelines, dispute resolution, and emergency contacts. If the other parent denies parenting time, document incidents, file a motion to modify custody, provide evidence, and propose supervised visits. Consult an attorney for legal advice and prepare for the court hearing.

Full Conversation

I want to create a extremely thorough and detailed parenting plan that leaves nothing up for questions what would be the bullet point list of everything I should include
Hi Courtney,
Creating a detailed parenting plan is a great step to ensure clarity and reduce conflicts. Below are the key elements you should include in your parenting plan:
- **Custody Arrangements:**
- Legal custody (decision-making authority)
- Physical custody (where the child lives)
- **Visitation Schedule:**
- Weekday and weekend schedules
- Holiday and vacation schedules
- Special occasions (birthdays, religious events)
- **Childcare and Schooling:**
- Daycare arrangements
- Schooling and education decisions
- Extracurricular activities
- **Health and Medical Care:**
- Medical and dental care decisions
- Health insurance coverage
- Emergency procedures
- **Communication:**
- Communication methods between parents
- Communication with the child when not in custody
- **Transportation and Exchange:**
- Transportation arrangements
- Pick-up and drop-off locations and times
- **Financial Responsibilities:**
- Child support payments
- Division of other child-related expenses
- **Parental Responsibilities:**
- Guidelines for parental behavior
- Decision-making protocols
- **Dispute Resolution:**
- Methods for resolving disagreements (mediation, court)
I know there is more we can put in there to provide even more Det so that there is no risk of confusion now or in the future I want this to be something we can utilize in the long term to essentially keep us from going back to court.
Hi Courtney,
To make your parenting plan even more thorough and reduce future disputes, consider including the following additional details:
- **Detailed Schedules:**
- Specific times for exchanges
- Flexibility clauses for changes in schedule
- **Parenting Guidelines:**
- Rules about introducing new partners to the child
- Guidelines on discipline and bedtime routines
- **Communication Protocols:**
- Frequency and methods of communication (e.g., phone, email)
- Response times for communications
- **Parental Relocation:**
- Notification requirements
- Impact on custody and visitation
- **Travel Arrangements:**
- Procedures for out-of-state or international travel
- Required documentation (passports, consent forms)
- **Emergency Contact Information:**
- Emergency contacts for both parents
- **Updates and Modifications:**
- Procedures for updating the plan as the child grows
- Methods for making minor adjustments without court involvement
Do you have any specific areas or concerns you want to address in more detail?
Now because the mother has completely denied parenting time for 4 months without a single communication occurring from her as to why that is happened she just stopped showing up to the exchanges and has not messaged once regarding my daughter. How can I reasonably suggest to the court that I believe it is necessary for a custody change back to my care as I did have custody for nearly 6 years without incident and because the mother cannot seem to encourage the relationship between my daughter and I am she only aims to harm it how can I request that she received supervised visits due to that due to her inability to not interfere the relationship me and my daughter have Now because the mother has completely denied parenting time for 4 months without a single communication occurring from her as to why that is happened she just stopped showing up to the exchanges and has not messaged once regarding my daughter. How can I reasonably suggest to the court that I believe it is necessary for a custody change back to my care as I did have custody for nearly 6 years without incident and because the mother cannot seem to encourage the relationship between my daughter and I am she only aims to harm it how can I request that she received supervised visits due to that due to her inability to not interfere the relationship me and my daughter have
To request a change in custody and supervised visits, you should:
- **Document Incidents:** Keep records of missed exchanges and lack of communication.
- **File a Motion:** Submit a motion to modify custody based on substantial changes.
- **Provide Evidence:** Include your documented incidents, past custody history, and any supporting witnesses.
- **Propose Supervised Visits:** Suggest supervised visits due to the mother's interference.

Multnomah County Circuit Court~
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * SW 1st Ave, Portland, OR *

Have you already documented the missed exchanges and lack of communication?
Great, since you have already documented the missed exchanges and lack of communication, you are on the right track. Next, consider the following steps:
- **Consult an Attorney:** Seek legal advice for drafting and filing the motion.
- **Motion to Modify:** File a motion to modify custody and include your documented evidence.
- **Prepare for Hearing:** Be ready to present your case in court with all necessary evidence.
Is there anything specific you need help with regarding the filing process or preparing for the hearing?
I just want to know the most appropriate way to request supervised visits for the mother until she can show that she will no longer interfere with the relationship between me and my daughter
To request supervised visits for the mother, follow these steps:
- **File a Motion:** Submit a motion to the court requesting supervised visitation.
- **Cite Reasons:** Clearly state the mother's interference and lack of communication as reasons.
- **Provide Evidence:** Include documentation of missed exchanges and lack of contact.
- **Suggest Supervised Visitation:** Propose a plan for supervised visits until she demonstrates improved behavior.
~Multnomah County Circuit Court~
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * SW 1st Ave, Portland, OR *

Do you need help drafting the motion or finding a supervision service?
can u show me an example request
Certainly! Here's an example of how you might draft a request for supervised visits:
**[Your Name]**
**[Your Address]**
**[City, State, ZIP Code]**
**[Phone Number]**
**[Email Address]**
**Multnomah County Circuit Court**
*** SW 1st Ave**
**Portland, OR ***
**Re: Motion for Supervised Visitation**
**Case Number: [Your Case Number]**
**Dear Judge [Judge's Last Name],**
I am writing to formally request supervised visitation for the mother of my child, [Child's Name], for the following reasons:
- **Interference with Parenting Time:** For the past four months, the mother has completely denied my parenting time without any communication or explanation. She has not shown up for scheduled exchanges and has not contacted me regarding our daughter.

- **Documented Incidents:** I have maintained detailed records of the missed exchanges and lack of communication, which are attached as evidence to this motion.
- **Impact on Child's Relationship:** The mother's actions have significantly interfered with my relationship with my daughter, which I have diligently maintained for nearly six years without incident.