Regain Child Custody Rights


Parents in Ohio have the right to maintain a relationship with their child unless its harmful. If your aunt is preventing contact and seeking adoption, communicate your concerns to the court.

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Hello Samantha, nice to meet you. Could you please tell me more about the legal issue you're facing?
My aunt has legal custody of my son I didn't know my rights I tried to see him I tried to talk to him she wouldn't allow me to now she's trying to adopt him in the court is going with it but the court don't know that she wouldn't let me talk to him or see him what do I do
What state are you and your son currently residing in? This is important as child custody laws vary from state to state.
What steps have you taken so far to communicate your concerns to the court?
In Ohio, parents have a right to maintain a relationship with their child unless it's harmful to the child.