Custody Rights For Unmarried


Unmarried fathers in Tennessee have rights to their children and can petition the court for custody or visitation. Establishing paternity is crucial to enforce these rights. If a non-parent has custody, a parent can challenge this in court. Children aged 12 or older can express their preference, but the court makes the final decision based on the childs best interests.

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It's complicated. It would be a custody issue. However my boyfriend and his ex were never married. They split I wanna say *. They were originally working together with the kids. Then she stopped letting him see them. She would tell us they were gone, busy or just didn't want to come. Then a long time into it we find out she doesn't even have the kids anymore. She gave temporary custody to a family friend. Who is now trying to adopt the kids.
Hello ****, that's indeed a complex situation. May I know which state you're located in? The custody laws can vary depending on your location.
Hello ****, In Tennessee:
- Unmarried fathers have rights to their children.
- The father can petition the court for custody or visitation rights.
- It's crucial to establish paternity to enforce these rights.
- If a non-parent has custody, a parent can challenge this in court.
The kids are old enough for their opinions to be heard. They have been made to agree him and do not want to be with him
Hello ****, in Tennessee:
- Children aged * or older can express their preference to the court.
- However, the court makes the final decision considering the child's best interests.
- The child's preference is just one factor among many considered by the court.