Grandparents Taking Childs Property


If grandparents without legal custody take a childs property, it may be an issue. Discuss with parents first and consult a legal professional if needed. Open communication with parents is crucial.

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my granparents are takeing my swich dering school and its not leagly theres
Hello David, could you please clarify whether your grandparents have legal custody of you? This detail is essential to provide accurate information.
they dont
Hello David, if your grandparents don't have legal custody of you, they shouldn't be able to confiscate your possessions without your consent or your guardian's consent. However, if they're acting in a supervisory role during school hours, it might complicate things. Do your parents know about this?
Hello David, I recommend discussing this issue with your parents first. If they are unaware, they may be able to resolve this with your grandparents. If the issue persists, you must consult with a legal professional. Remember, I can only provide general legal information, not legal advice.
You're welcome, David. If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Remember, it's important to keep open communication with your parents about these situations.