Suing For Property Damage


You can generally sue for property damage, but collecting judgment may be difficult if the defendant lacks funds or employment. Wage garnishment, property liens, and bank account seizures are potential options, depending on state laws. Parents are usually not liable for their childs debts unless they co-signed. Evidence is crucial for property damage claims, especially in relationship disputes. Lying in court, or perjury, can lead to criminal charges, fines, imprisonment, and reversal of court decisions. In rape cases, evidence such as medical exams, testimonies, and surveillance footage is essential. Report incidents to the police immediately.

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What if they have no money or job
If the person you're suing has no money or job, collecting judgement may be difficult. However, depending on your location:
- Wage garnishment might be possible once they find employment
- Property liens could be placed on their assets
- Bank accounts can potentially be seized
Remember, judgement recovery laws vary by state.
If they don’t have no money of job can I just get it from their parents
In most cases, you cannot sue the parents for their child's debts unless they were co-signers or the debt was incurred on their behalf. This varies by jurisdiction, so it's important to consult with a local attorney.
To provide further accurate information, could you please clarify if the person you intend to sue is a minor? Also, your location would be helpful.
What if they break my stuff out of anger of a relationship
In many jurisdictions, you can sue for property damage regardless of the reason, including damage caused in a fit of anger. However, it's crucial to have evidence such as photos, videos, or witnesses. Also, you may want to file a police report. Would you mind sharing your location?
What would happen if someone comes up with a claim to the court and they court finds out they lied
If a person lies in court, this is known as perjury. Consequences vary by jurisdiction, but may include:
- Criminal charges
- Fines
- Imprisonment
- Reversal of the court's decision
Could you please indicate your location for more specific information?
If someone claims that they have been raped would they need evidence to prove this
In any legal case, including rape, evidence is crucial for proving guilt. Evidence in such cases might include:
- Medical examinations
- Testimonies
- Surveillance footage
- Communication records
Remember, it's important to report the incident to the police immediately. Your location could help me provide more specific advice.