Demand Letter Follow Up


If a demand letter for item return is ignored, filing a Small Claims Court complaint or consulting a lawyer are recommended next steps. Contact Indiana Small Claims Court for more information.

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I have sent a demand letter to ask for items that are being kept from me in indiana. They have not been returned what do i do now.
****, if your demand letter has gone unanswered, you might consider the following steps:
- File a Small Claims Court Complaint: This is usually a straightforward process, and you can represent yourself.
- Consult with a Lawyer: For personalized legal advice and stronger action, a lawyer can help.

Indiana Small Claims Court

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Since the demand letter has not yielded results, filing a complaint in Small Claims Court is a practical next step. You have been given the contact information for the Indiana Small Claims Court. If you change your mind and need more details on the filing process or require further assistance, feel free to ask!