Wrongful Case Dismissal Options


If your detinue case was wrongly dismissed in Tennessee, you can file an appeal within 30 days, a motion to set aside the judgment, or a motion for a new trial. To file a motion for a new trial, draft a detailed motion, file it in the court where your case was heard, serve a copy to the opposite party, and await a hearing date. A motion for a new trial may be granted if the law was misapplied, but it is at the judges discretion. Consult a local attorney for specific guidance.

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What are my options if my case was wrongly dismissed before i was able to put my case on
Hello ****, it's important to know the reason for dismissal. You might be able to appeal or file a motion to reconsider. Could you please share your location and the type of case that was dismissed? This will help us provide more specific information.
Tennessee, detinue case
Hello ****, in Tennessee, if your detinue case was wrongly dismissed, you have a few legal options:
- File an appeal within 30 days of the dismissal
- File a motion to set aside the judgment
- File a motion for a new trial
Please consult with a local attorney for more specific advice.
How do i file a motion for a new trial
To file a motion for a new trial in Tennessee, follow these steps:
- Draft a motion detailing why a new trial is needed.
- File it in the court where your case was heard.
- Serve a copy to the opposite party.
- Await a hearing date.
Consult with a local attorney for specific guidance.
Will motion for new trial be granted if law was misapplied
In Tennessee, a motion for a new trial may be granted if the law was misapplied. However, it's up to the judge's discretion. Factors considered include:
- The severity of the misapplication
- The impact on the case outcome
- The chance of a different outcome if retried
Always consult a local attorney.