Settlement Strategies For Businesses


If a business refuses to settle a dispute worth $75,000, you can file a lawsuit in Hawaiis Circuit Court. Demonstrate strong evidence, highlight potential legal costs, and show the potential for negative publicity to encourage settlement. Consulting with a local attorney is advisable.

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How can I get the business to settle if they won’t win and don’t have a attorney
Hello ****, you can encourage settlement by:
- Demonstrating strong evidence
- Highlighting potential legal costs
- Showing the potential for negative publicity
Could you please provide more details about the dispute and your location for more specific guidance?
Yes they have made a unfair claim decision and I have strong evidence to back my claim up
Hello ****. Based on your information, you might consider starting a small claims court action. Could you provide your location so I can give more specific guidance?
No it’s worth *,*
Thank you for the information, ****. Given the value of the claim, you might need to file a lawsuit in a higher court instead of small claims. Could you please tell me where you are located so I can give more specific guidance?
Hello ****, in Hawaii, you may need to file your lawsuit in the Circuit Court as they handle cases where the amount in dispute exceeds $*,*. It would be beneficial to consult with an attorney for your case.