Setting Aside Court Judgment


To set aside a court judgment in London, you need to apply to the court that issued the judgment by filling out Form N244, preparing a witness statement, and paying a fee. For appealing a judges decision, file a notice of appeal within 21 days, stating the grounds for appeal. If permission to appeal is denied, seek permission from a higher court. Defendants can represent themselves in trials, and legal aid may be available. To apply for reinstatement, fill out Form N244, prepare a witness statement, and pay the required fee. For appeals in Birmingham, follow similar steps and contact the Birmingham Civil and Family Justice Centre for more details.

Full Conversation

To set aside a court judgment in London, you typically need to apply to the court that issued the judgment. Here are the general steps:
- **Fill Out Form N244**: This is the application notice form.
- **Prepare a Witness Statement**: Explain why the judgment should be set aside.
- **Pay a Fee**: Court fees may apply.
You should file your application at the court that issued the judgment.

Central London County Court

Phone: * * *
Address: Thomas More Building, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL

Do you need more details about the specific conditions under which a judgment can be set aside?
How to appeal the judge on the Trial
To appeal a judge's decision in London, follow these steps:
- **Notice of Appeal**: File a notice of appeal at the court where the decision was made.
- **Grounds for Appeal**: Clearly state the reasons for your appeal.
- **Time Limits**: Appeals must generally be filed within 21 days of the decision.
For more details, contact:
~Central London County Court
Phone: * * *
Address: Thomas More Building, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL

Do you need assistance with the specific grounds for your appeal?
What if we don’t a g grant to appeals from the judge? How and Whom should I can get appeal to
If an appeal is not granted, you may seek permission to appeal from a higher court. Here are the general steps:
- **Seek Permission**: Apply for permission to appeal from the higher court.
- **File Required Documents**: Submit the necessary forms and documents.
- **Follow Time Limits**: Generally, you have 21 days to apply.
Would you like details on which higher court to approach?
What happened when you have been stuck out can defend yourself in the trials
It seems like you are asking how to defend yourself in trials if you have been struck out or dismissed. Here are some general steps you might consider:
- **Review the Judgment**: Understand why your case was struck out.
- **Seek Legal Advice**: Consult a solicitor for professional guidance.
- **Apply for Reinstatement**: You may need to apply to the court to reinstate your case, explaining why it should be reconsidered.
Would you need more details about the specific steps to apply for reinstatement in London?
How the judgement is allowed in trials that defendants don’t have any representation with him during trial
Judgments can be issued in trials even if defendants are unrepresented. Here's how this generally works in London:
- **Right to Fair Trial**: Defendants have the right to a fair trial, which includes the opportunity to represent themselves.
- **Judicial Assistance**: Judges may provide some guidance to unrepresented defendants.
- **Legal Aid**: Defendants may apply for legal aid if they can't afford representation.
Would you like information on how to apply for legal aid or further details on representing yourself in court?
How to Apply for reinstatement
To apply for reinstatement in London, follow these general steps:
- **Fill Out Form N244**: This is the application notice form.
- **Prepare a Witness Statement**: Explain why your case should be reinstated.
- **Pay a Fee**: Court fees may apply.
File your application at the court that dismissed your case.
~Central London County Court
Phone: * * *
Address: Thomas More Building, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL

Do you need more details on preparing your witness statement or understanding the reinstatement process?
How to apply for the appeal with the judge decision in High Court Birmingham
To appeal a judge's decision in the High Court in Birmingham, follow these general steps:
- **Notice of Appeal**: File a notice of appeal at the High Court.
- **Grounds for Appeal**: Clearly state the reasons for your appeal.
- **Time Limits**: Appeals must generally be filed within 21 days of the decision.

Birmingham Civil and Family Justice Centre

Phone: * * *
Address: Priory Courts, * Bull St, Birmingham B4 6DS

Would you like more information on the specific grounds for your appeal?
Need to know more details on preparing witness statements and understanding the reinstatement process
To help you prepare a witness statement and understand the reinstatement process, here are some general guidelines:
Preparing a Witness Statement:
- **Structure**: Clearly structure your statement with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
- **Content**: Include all relevant facts, dates, and events in a chronological order.
- **Language**: Use clear and concise language, avoiding legal jargon.
- **Signature**: Sign and date the statement at the end.
Reinstatement Process:
- **Fill Out Form N244**: This is the application notice form.
- **Prepare a Witness Statement**: Explain the reasons for reinstatement.
- **Pay a Fee**: Court fees may apply.
- **File the Application**: Submit your application to the court that dismissed your case.
~Birmingham Civil and Family Justice Centre
Phone: * * *
Address: Priory Courts, * Bull St, Birmingham B4 6DS

Would you need more details about the specific content to include in your witness statement?