Storage Rental Auction Dispute
In California, storage rental auctions are governed by the California Self Service Facility Act. Facility owners must send a notice 14 days prior to the auction and advertise it. Tenants can stop the auction by paying what they owe until the auction begins. If a facility owner refuses payment unless it is double the owed amount, and this is not stated in the rental agreement, you can take the issue to small claims court. Consult a civil litigation or contract law attorney for specific advice.Full Conversation
I have a question about Storage Rental auctions
Hi ****, could you please specify in which state this storage rental auction is taking place? Different states might have different laws regarding storage rental auctions.
Hello ****, in California, the laws about storage rental auctions can be found in the California Self Service Facility Act. Here are some key points:
- Notice must be sent to the tenant 14 days prior to the auction.
- The facility owner must advertise the auction.
- The tenant can pay and stop the auction until the auction begins.
They are refusing to accept payment unless it isdou le what i owe she wont give me my contact
Hello ****, in California, the law states that:
- The facility owner can't refuse to accept payment unless the rental agreement states otherwise.
- If there are any disputes, you can take the issue to small claims court.
Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.
What kind of lawyer do i go to
You should consult a civil litigation or contract law attorney for this issue. They specialize in disputes related to contracts and can provide guidance regarding your storage rental auction issue.