Filing Amended Complaint Guide


An amended complaint replaces the original and must include all claims, even those from the initial complaint. Complete all sections, including the amount in controversy, and file within the 21-day deadline. If you missed sections in your initial application, fill them out in the amended complaint and resubmit. Filing an amended complaint will not negatively impact your case. For further assistance, consider consulting with the Missouri Bar Associations Lawyer Referral Service.

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Yes i was respresenting my case in district court and i have a case number but i,m back and fourth getting my papperworktogether and the judge mailed me some papers saying that i need to file afiest amended complaint within 21 days?what i,masking is do i needto do anther applucation or go back over my ither applicationthat i sent before
Hello ****, generally, an amended complaint replaces the original complaint. It should include all the claims, even those from the initial complaint, unless you intentionally want to drop them. However, rules may vary depending on your location. Can you provide that information?
When submitted my first application i made copies but i didn,t fill out the all the forms and he also stated that i did,t much the amou t of controversy for telief so if i didn,t fill those areas should i
Hello ****, it sounds like you need to complete all parts of the amended complaint, including the amount of controversy. Could you please share which state you're in so I can provide more specific information?
I live in illinois but the case is in missouri
Hello ****, as your case is in Missouri, you should adhere to Missouri's Civil Procedure rules. As per these rules:
- An Amended Complaint entirely replaces the original complaint.
- Fill out all the sections in the Amended Complaint, including the 'amount in controversy'.
- File it within the given *-day deadline.
So if i missed different portion onmy application doi need to goback and do themand resubmitt theapplucation over
Yes, ****, if you missed sections in your initial application, you should fill out all the sections in your Amended Complaint and resubmit it. This should include the previously missed portions.
If i do the applucationagain and i have a case would that mess me up
No, ****, filing an amended complaint will not mess up your case. It's an opportunity to correct errors or add information to your original complaint. Be sure to include all necessary details and submit within the *-day deadline.
You know i want todo my case but the reason i didn,t because was told differently and i don,t know who to consult with but the judge said that i have a case?i mean what avenue do o ttake if i can,t get the help i need
Hello ****, if you're uncertain about proceeding, you may consider seeking legal advice. In Missouri, you can consult with the Missouri Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service. They could direct you to a lawyer who specializes in your case type.