Suing Prosecutor Racial Profiling


Prosecutors in Texas are generally immune from lawsuits when acting in their official capacity. However, if you believe youre being racially profiled, you can contact the Texas Civil Rights Project, file a complaint with the Department of Justice, or consult with a civil rights attorney. Additionally, document any incidents of racial profiling, contact the local ACLU branch, and report to local or state bar associations. Gathering as much evidence as possible is crucial.

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League city texas
It seems you're facing a complex issue. In Texas, prosecutors are generally immune from lawsuits when acting in their official capacity. However, if you believe you're being racially profiled, you might:
- Contact the Texas Civil Rights Project
- File a complaint with the Department of Justice
- Consult with a civil rights attorney
Is there anything else I can do?
You may also:
- Document any incidents of racial profiling
- Contact the local ACLU branch
- Report to local or state bar associations.
Remember, it's crucial to gather as much evidence as possible.