Targeted By Federal Agencies


Feeling targeted by federal agencies is a serious matter. Document all interactions, seek legal representation, and consider filing a FOIA request. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Targeted individual
Hi Julie, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling targeted. Could you provide more details about the situation? Are you experiencing harassment, discrimination, or something else? Also, where are you located? This will help me guide you better.
Targeted by FBI and cia
Julie, feeling targeted by federal agencies is a serious matter. Here are some general steps you can take:
- Document Everything: Keep a record of all interactions, including dates, times, and details.
- Legal Representation: Consider speaking with an attorney experienced in civil rights or federal investigations.
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): You can request your records from federal agencies.
Could you please provide your location to guide you on where to find a lawyer or relevant court?