Police Search Warrant Violation


In Indiana, the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. If police exceeded their warrant by searching a separate property, it could be an infringement. However, exceptions exist. Consult a legal professional for guidance.

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What can i do if police kick in a door on my property and didn't have a warrant
Hello ****, in which country or state did this occur? This information will help me provide more accurate advice.
Orange county. Paoli Indiana
In Indiana, if the police enter your property without a warrant, it may be a violation of your Fourth Amendment rights. Possible steps could include:
- Document the incident
- Contact a lawyer
- File a complaint with the police department
Please consult with a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
How can i find a free civil right lawyer
You can find free civil rights legal assistance in Indiana through:
- Indiana Legal Services Inc. (ILS)
- Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
- Pro Bono Indiana
Remember to thoroughly explain your situation when reaching out to these organizations.
What happened was that? I have a property that has a certain address. The the police had a warrant for said address. And kick the door open and search that address. I also. Own another piece of property that is adjacent to the property. They had the warrant for. But but is a total separate property from the before mentioned? One that they did have a warrant. The second property was breached and searched also was no warrant for that specific property is this illegal
Hello ****, in Indiana, the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. If the police exceeded the scope of their warrant by searching a separate property, it could be seen as an infringement. However, there are exceptions. Consult a legal professional for guidance.
Thank you
You're welcome, ****. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, consulting with a legal professional is crucial in these situations.