Fbi Investigation Misconduct Allegations


The user alleges misconduct by the FBI during an investigation, including illegal use of drugs, witness coercion, and evidence tampering. The user was advised that such actions, if proven, could lead to disciplinary action against involved agents, dismissal of the case, and legal repercussions for the agency. The user was also informed about the serious consequences of lying under oath, both for witnesses and for the person under investigation. The user was advised to document all incidents, consult with a lawyer experienced in civil rights or law enforcement misconduct, and consider filing a complaint with the Department of Justices Civil Rights Division or the FBIs Office of Professional Responsibility. The user was also informed that tangible evidence often strengthens a case, and that courts often look for physical evidence or records to support claims.

Full Conversation

Is it admissable in court for the FBI to use investigative drugs on the people they investigate
Hello ****, this is a complex question. Can you clarify what you mean by "investigative drugs"? And could you specify the jurisdiction you're referring to, as laws may vary?
Drugs that aid in their investigation
In general, law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, are not permitted to use drugs to aid in their investigations. This is based on a number of legal principles and rights:
- Right to privacy
- Protection against self-incrimination
- Right to due process
Please specify your location for more specific guidance.
I have a small claim against the FBI. They keep delaying it because they need to get the other side a lawyer. How long can u delay a small claim
There isn't a universal timeframe for delaying small claims, but generally, it can't be indefinitely postponed. It varies by jurisdiction. Could you please tell me where your case is filed?
Federal court
In Federal court, there are no specific guidelines on timeframe for delaying small claims. However, it's typically between * to 90 days. This varies and can be influenced by circumstances like court congestion or parties' availability.
Can u get free representation for a small claim
In most jurisdictions, free representation in small claims court is usually not provided. However, free legal advice might be available through Legal Aid offices or law school clinics. Please specify your location for more accurate information.
What happens when the fbi lies about somethimg
If the FBI is found to have lied during an investigation or court proceedings, it could lead to several consequences:
- The evidence may be disallowed in court.
- The case could be dismissed.
- Disciplinary action could be taken against the involved agent(s).

These outcomes depend on the nature and severity of the lie.
The FBI is investigative drugs on me during their invesitgation, is that legal
Law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, generally can't use drugs to aid their investigations. This is anchored on several legal principles:
- Right to privacy
- Protection against self-incrimination
- Right to due process
However, specifics may vary based on location. Can you specify yours?
If the FBI makes witnesses lie what can happen
If the FBI is found to have coerced witnesses into lying under oath, there could be several consequences:
- The testimony may be deemed inadmissible in court.
- The case could be dismissed.
- Disciplinary action could be taken against the involved agent(s).
These outcomes depend on the nature and severity of the coercion.
What happens if u get caught LIEING on the stand?
If a person is caught lying under oath, they can face serious consequences, including:
- Being charged with perjury, a criminal offense.
- Fines or imprisonment.
- The testimony may be disregarded or the entire case could be thrown out.
The specifics depend on the jurisdiction.
Whats the law in massachusettes about lieing on the stand
In Massachusetts, perjury is considered a serious offense. If found guilty, these are the potential consequences:
- A sentence of up to 20 years in state prison.
- A fine of up to $*,*.
- Or both fine and imprisonment.
These penalties are outlined in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter *, Section *.
How many years in prison can u get for an illegal investigation?
In Massachusetts, illegal investigation practices can lead to serious penalties, including:
- Prosecution under obstruction of justice statutes.
- Disciplinary action against involved law enforcement agents.
However, prison sentences are usually applicable to individuals who conducted the illegal investigation, not the subjects of it. The specific penalties can vary widely based on the nature of the offense.
What happens if u lie in front of a federal judge?
Lying under oath in a federal court, also known as perjury, has significant consequences. Here are the potential outcomes:
- You can be prosecuted under federal law, specifically * U.S.C § *.
- You could face up to 5 years in federal prison.
- You may also face fines.
Please consult a legal professional for advice specific to your situation.
The FBI framed me
If you believe the FBI has acted unlawfully, you may want to consider the following steps:
- Gather evidence: Document any incidents, including dates, times, locations, and individuals involved.
- Consult a lawyer: Seek legal counsel, particularly someone experienced in civil rights or law enforcement misconduct.
- File a complaint: This can be done with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division or the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility.
These are general steps and may vary depending on your jurisdiction.
The FBI told my family to lie about an investigation they did on me
That's a serious accusation, ****. If you believe the FBI has acted unlawfully, you may have grounds to file a complaint. Could you provide more specifics about the situation? It would also be helpful to know your location for more tailored advice.
Massachusettes. The FBI did an infectius disease investigation on me
If you believe the FBI has acted unlawfully in Massachusetts, consider these steps:
- Document incidents: dates, times, locations, involved individuals.
- Consult with a lawyer experienced in civil rights/law enforcement misconduct.
- File a complaint with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division or FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility.
Remember, this is general advice and may vary based on specifics.
The FBI has been using investigative drugs on me for *.5 years now
That's a serious allegation, ****. If you believe that your rights have been violated, you should:
- Document all the incidents with dates, locations, and involved individuals.
- Consult with a lawyer experienced in civil rights or law enforcement misconduct.
- File a complaint with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division.
Please seek legal counsel for advice tailored to your situation.
They have an investigative drug that they can hear all my thoughts
****, your situation sounds complex. To better assist you, could you provide more details about these alleged incidents?
It is very serious that the FBI is basing their investigation off a lie
If you believe the FBI is basing their investigation on a falsehood, you may:
- Gather and preserve evidence supporting this claim.
- Seek legal counsel experienced in civil rights or law enforcement misconduct.
- Consider filing a complaint with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division or the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility.
Please consult with a legal professional for advice specific to your situation.
It defiently is a serious law to break to ask ppl to lie for u in court
Absolutely, ****. Encouraging someone to lie under oath is considered subornation of perjury, a serious offense. Can you provide more details about your situation?
Ive tried to report the FBI to the DOJ and they do nothing. Their enablers
That sounds very frustrating, ****. If you believe the DOJ isn't taking appropriate action, you may want to:
- Consult with a lawyer experienced in civil rights or law enforcement misconduct.
- Reach out to your local representative or senator for assistance.
- Consider contacting a media outlet or civil rights organization.
Be sure to seek legal counsel for advice tailored to your situation.
Is the FBI allowed to ask ppl to lie about their investigation
No, it's illegal for the FBI or any law enforcement agency to coerce or encourage people to lie during any part of an investigation. This could lead to disciplinary action against the agent(s) involved, and any influenced testimony may be deemed inadmissible in court.
Is it illegal for the FBI to ask people to lie about an investigation they did?
Yes, it's illegal for the FBI or any law enforcement agency to coerce or encourage people to lie during an investigation. This could lead to:
- Disciplinary action against the agent(s) involved
- Influenced testimony may be deemed inadmissible in court
- Legal repercussions for the agency involved
Is it illegal for the FBI to ask my family and doctors to lie about an invedtigation that they did?
Yes, it's illegal for the FBI or any law enforcement agency to coerce or encourage anyone, including family members and doctors, to lie during an investigation. This could lead to:
- Disciplinary action against the agent(s) involved
- Influenced testimony may be deemed inadmissible in court
- Legal repercussions for the agency involved
What happens if you lie under oath in a federal court house?
Lying under oath in federal court, or perjury, is a serious offense. Here are the potential consequences:
- Prosecution under federal law, specifically * U.S.C § *.
- Up to 5 years in federal prison.
- Fines.
It's crucial to seek legal advice for your specific situation.
What happens if the FBI goes to extreme lengths to try to cover up an illegal investigation they did on me?
If the FBI goes to extreme lengths to cover up an illegal investigation, several outcomes are possible:
- The case could be dismissed.
- Disciplinary action against involved agents.
- Legal repercussions for the agency.
These outcomes depend on the specifics of the cover-up and the legal process. Always consult a lawyer for advice specific to your situation.
I reported fraud and the fbi went in and took a bribe instead. To hide the bribe they invedtigated me who reported the fraud to hide their bribe.
That's a very serious allegation, ****. If you have evidence to support this, consider the following steps in Massachusetts:
- Document all incidents: dates, times, locations, involved individuals.
- Consult a lawyer experienced in misconduct cases.
- File a complaint with the Department of Justice's Inspector General.
This advice is general and consult a legal professional for advice tailored to your situation.
Well everyone has to tell the truth so that would be the evidence
Yes, ****. Truth is vital in legal proceedings. However, tangible evidence often strengthens a case. If you have documents, recordings, or other forms of evidence that could support your claim, it's beneficial to share these with your legal counsel.
I have my whole family to testify that they illegaly investogated me, is that enough
Having your family testify can be helpful, but it may not be enough. Courts often look for physical evidence or records to support claims. Consult with a lawyer experienced in law enforcement misconduct for advice tailored to your case.
The FBI tampered my medical records that said they were their and they deleted it
That's a serious claim, ****. Tampering with medical records is illegal. Do you have any evidence to support this, such as a copy of the original records or any correspondence related to this matter?
I hav lik * documents but its not alot. But having my family testify they did an invrstogation should make it strong
All evidence can be helpful, ****. Both your documents and your family's testimony can potentially strengthen your case. However, it's important to consult a lawyer for advice tailored to your case. They can guide you on how to best present this evidence in court.
Your so helpful
Thank you, ****! I'm here to provide as much legal information as possible. If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.
Why is the FBI so corrupt?
As a legal information provider, I don't have a stance on the integrity of any organization. It's important to remember that not all actions by individuals within an organization reflect the organization as a whole. If you believe you've been wronged, seek legal help.
I do believe that there are some good ones
That's a positive outlook, ****. It's important to remember that organizations are made up of individuals, and individuals can vary greatly in their actions and intentions. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
The FBI has been investigating me for *
****, could you please provide more specifics about the FBI investigation you're referring to? This will help me provide more tailored legal information.
The fbi has been investigating me o
I understand that you feel under scrutiny. Could you please provide more details about the nature of this investigation? It would be helpful to know what the investigation is about and your location, as laws can vary.
The fbi has been investogating me for *.5 years now. Isnt that a long time
Investigations can indeed last for extended periods, depending on the complexity of the case. However, if you feel your rights have been violated, consider consulting with a lawyer experienced in law enforcement misconduct. They can provide advice specific to your situation.
They gave me a dangerous dose of a drug once
That's a serious accusation, ****. If you believe you've been harmed due to the alleged actions of the FBI, consider:
- Documenting all incidents, including dates, times, and involved individuals.
- Seeking immediate medical attention if not done already.
- Consulting a lawyer experienced in civil rights or law enforcement misconduct.
Always seek legal advice for your specific situation.
The FBI thinks theyre gna get away with lieing about an investigstion they did on me a couple years ago
That's a grave allegation, ****. If you believe the FBI has acted unlawfully, you may:
- Document the incidents: dates, times, locations, involved individuals.
- Consult with a lawyer experienced in civil rights or law enforcement misconduct.
- File a complaint with the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division or the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility.
Remember to seek legal advice tailored to your situation.