Illegal Fbi Investigation Claims


User alleges that the FBI conducted an illegal investigation involving bribery and unauthorized use of investigative drugs. The user is located in Massachusetts and is seeking advice on the potential violation of their Fourth Amendment rights. The user also inquires about the validity of witness testimonies and doctors testimonies as evidence. The user is advised to consult with a civil rights or criminal defense attorney, and to consider filing complaints with the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers and the FBIs Office of Inspector General. The user is also informed about the illegality of subornation of perjury and the potential consequences.

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The FBI thinks theyre gna get away with hiding an illegal investigation done on me
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Can you provide more details about the investigation or your location? This will help me give a more accurate response.
They did an infectious disease investigation on me that was majorly illegal because it was done to hide a bribe they took
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Could you please tell me in which country or state this investigation took place? It would help me provide more specific information.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. While I can't provide specific legal advice, I can tell you that:
- Unauthorized investigations can be a violation of your Fourth Amendment rights.
- You may want to file a complaint with the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers.
- You might also consider contacting a civil rights attorney.
The FBI did an illegal investigation on me and deleted all the tangible evidence. I have witnesses is that enough
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In general:
- Witness testimonies can be strong evidence in court.
- It would be beneficial to consult with a lawyer who specializes in civil rights or criminal defense.
- You may also want to consider filing a complaint with the FBI's Office of Inspector General.
What happens if the FBI convinces someone to lie under oath
In Massachusetts, perjury, or lying under oath, is a crime. If the FBI knowingly encourages someone to commit perjury, it could be considered subornation of perjury. It's recommended to consult a lawyer for further advice.
The FBI deleted their name from all my medical records for a year but my doctors will absolutely remember me talking about the FBI and can testify to that
In general:
- Your doctor's testimony could be considered as evidence.
- It's important to discuss this with your attorney to understand how this evidence may be used.
- Remember, every case is unique and outcomes can vary depending on the specifics of the situation.
Are investigative drugs legal for the FBI to use on the ppl they investigate in the state of massachusettes?
In Massachusetts:
- The use of "investigative drugs" by any law enforcement agency, including the FBI, without informed consent is generally considered illegal.
- This can potentially violate a person's Fourth Amendment rights.
- It's advisable to consult a lawyer for guidance.
What can happen if an Federal agent asks someone to lie in a federal court house?
In general:
- Asking someone to lie under oath, including in a federal courthouse, is considered subornation of perjury, which is a serious crime.
- It could lead to penalties for both the person asked to lie and the person instructing them to do so.
- Legal advice from an attorney is recommended.
The FBI has been bribing for the past 5 years
That sounds serious, ****. Could you elaborate on the nature of these alleged bribes? Providing more context would help me give you more relevant information.
The FBi has been commiting bribery during investigations for the past 5 years
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Bribery is illegal and can fall under federal jurisdiction.
- If you have evidence of these alleged bribes, you may want to consider reporting it to the Department of Justice.
- Consult with a lawyer, they can guide you through the legal process.