Contingency Lawyer Needed Urgently


User is seeking a contingency lawyer for a case involving rape, assault, and human rights negligence in Alabama. They are a Canadian citizen residing in Tennessee and have faced issues with identification theft, lack of response from detectives, and denial of basic human rights. They are also struggling with homelessness and lack of medical attention due to missing identification documents. The user has been advised to contact the Canadian embassy or consulate for assistance with their identification and green card issues.

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Civil i am in need of a contingency ĺawyer and a person ŵirh knowledge to help assist prose motions and human rights negligence. The case is in bham alabama. I am in Tennessee and need help now
What is the nature of your case? It will help me provide more specific information. In Alabama, contingency lawyers often handle personal injury or workers' compensation cases.
Rape assault green card for permañent resident and all my identifization and car with personal doxuments stole everything. The detectives have not returned any of my calls for over a year. I am homeless and cant get shelter medical attention or help bc i dont have my green card. I contacted detectives añd gave tĥem all info añd evidence and his identity and proof of my property at a pawn shop. He woñt put it on tĥe da desk. I am denied everything because of tĥe detective. My basics human rigĥts to health and safety have been ignored. I am a canadian citizen with tĥe optrion to apply to usa natùralizarion. I have no money to live ĺet alone repĺace green card. Lawyeŕ can do * and i am denied the orĝanization of violeñce againT victims in Montgomery al bc its been over one year. Tĥe detectives did nothing. Did not contact my emergency person
Have you contacted the Canadian embassy or consulate for assistance with your situation? They may be able to provide help with your identification and green card issues.