Filing Wrongful Arrest Lawsuit


In West Virginia, the statute of limitations for filing a civil suit for wrongful arrest is two years. Given your arrest date of April 25, 2022, you have until April 25, 2024, to file a lawsuit. Consult a legal professional for personalized advice.

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How long do you have to file a civil suit for wrongful arrest in wv
In West Virginia, the statute of limitations for personal injury, which includes wrongful arrest, is typically two years. This means you have two years from the date of the arrest to file a lawsuit.
It was April * * so it's to late
From the information provided, it appears you're still within the two-year timeframe for filing a wrongful arrest lawsuit in West Virginia. You have until April *, *, based on the date of the incident you stated.
This is may
Hello Trisha, as it's May now, you still have about 2 years left to file a lawsuit for wrongful arrest according to West Virginia laws. Consider consulting with a legal professional for further assistance.