School Trespass Order Rights


A school trespass order affecting your family can be appealed to the school board or superintendent. Consulting an education lawyer and filing a complaint with the New York State Education Department are also viable steps. Your voting rights should remain unaffected.

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1st and 14th
I'm sorry to hear you feel your 1st and 14th Amendment rights have been violated. These are critical rights that protect freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition, and ensure equal protection under the law. To better assist you, could you please provide more context or specific details about the situation?
School has put a no trespass order on my whole family preventing my children an education and i cant vote
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In New York, the Department of Education has regulations around school access. They must ensure safety, but also the right to education. Here are some steps:
- Appeal to the school board or superintendent.
- Consult with a lawyer specializing in education law.
- You may also file a complaint with the New York State Education Department.
Your voting rights should not be affected by this.