Finding Constitutional Court Decisions


To find decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine regarding the recognition of certain provisions of legislative acts as unconstitutional in various spheres, visit the official website of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. Navigate to the Рішення та висновки (Decisions and Conclusions) section, and use the search bar or filters to narrow down the decisions by year, type, or specific legislative acts. Enter relevant keywords such as суспільна, політична, економічна, or культурна to find specific decisions related to these spheres.

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Конституція України, Закон України «Про повну загальну середню освіту», Закон України «Про політичні партії в Україні», Закон України «Про вищу освіту», Бюджетний кодекс України, Закон України «Про музеї та музейну справу». - Знайти рішення Конституційного Суду України щодо визнання неконституційними окремих положень законодавчих актів у таких сферах: суспільна, політична, економічна, культурна.
To find decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine regarding the recognition of certain provisions of legislative acts as unconstitutional in social, political, economic, and cultural spheres, you can visit the official website of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. They provide access to all decisions and rulings.
Would you like more specific guidance on how to navigate their website or find a particular decision?
Знайди і розпиши це усе сам.
To find decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine regarding the recognition of certain provisions of legislative acts as unconstitutional in various spheres, follow these steps:
*. Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine: [](
*. Navigate to Decisions:
- Click on "Рішення та висновки" (Decisions and Conclusions) in the main menu.
- Use the search bar or filters to narrow down the decisions by year, type, or specific legislative acts.
*. Search by Keywords:
- Enter relevant keywords such as "суспільна", "політична", "економічна", or "культурна" to find specific decisions related to these spheres.
If you need help with a specific decision or further navigation, feel free to ask!