Independent Director Share Acquisition


Independent directors in the Philippines can acquire shares via original issuance or assignment. While theres no specific limit, holding over 2% of shares may affect their independence status. If not re-elected, they are not obligated to return or transfer shares, as these remain their personal property unless an agreement states otherwise.

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Does an independent director acquire share by original issuance from the corporation or an assignment for which the ID pays the par value of the share?
In the Philippines, an independent director can acquire shares through two main methods:
- Original Issuance: The corporation issues new shares, and the independent director acquires them by paying the par value.
- Assignment: The independent director buys existing shares from another shareholder, at a price agreed upon.
Let me know if you need more details about either process.
can an independent director acquire how much shares
In the Philippines, there is no specific limit to the number of shares an independent director can acquire. However, to maintain independence, an independent director should not hold shares exceeding *% of the company’s total shares.
Would you like more details on the regulations governing independent directors?
What happens when the independent director is not re-elected? Does he have an obligation to return the share to the corporation or transfer to a new independent director
In the Philippines, when an independent director is not re-elected, he is generally not obligated to return or transfer the shares to the corporation or a new independent director. The shares are his personal property.
Do you have any more questions on the responsibilities or rights of independent directors?
What happens when the independent director is not re-elected? Does he have an obligation to return the share to the corporation or transfer to a new independent director in the Philippines
In the Philippines, when an independent director is not re-elected, they are not obligated to return the shares to the corporation or transfer them to a new independent director. The shares remain their property unless otherwise stipulated in an agreement.
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