Updating Directors Address


For Delaware franchise tax/annual reports, provide the current directors address. Update company documents promptly. Consult a Maine attorney for guidance on both Maine and Delaware laws. Contacting the Delaware Division of Corporations can provide general information, but not legal advice.

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my company is a Delaware corporation, although it is located in Maine, the company is a Delaware corporation, so for Delaware franchise tax/annual report what would I do about the directors address situation?
For Delaware franchise tax/annual report, you need to:
- Provide the current address of the director. Delaware requires updated information.
- Update your company's documents with the new address as soon as possible.
For specific guidance, consult a Maine attorney familiar with Delaware corporate law.
Could I call Delaware division of corporations and could they answer that question for me
Yes, you can contact the Delaware Division of Corporations. They can provide general information about corporate law in Delaware. However, they won't provide legal advice, so consulting a Maine attorney familiar with Delaware corporate law is still recommended.
why do you suggest Maine attorney if we are talking about Delaware related franchise tax/annual report
While your company is a Delaware corporation, it is physically located in Maine. A Maine attorney can help you navigate both Maine and Delaware laws, providing guidance on local compliance and also Delaware corporate law.
So if I fill in the actual current up to date address of the director even if a former address is still on a document/s, would I be fine as long as I change the address on documents as soon as I can?
Generally, yes. It's crucial to provide the current address of the director for the Delaware franchise tax/annual report. Updating your documents as soon as you can is recommended to maintain accurate company records. For detailed advice, consult a Maine attorney knowledgeable in Delaware corporate law.