Power Of Attorney Clarification


A power of attorney for healthcare generally allows you to make medical decisions for your father, including hospitalization. While notarization is not always required, it can add legal strength to the document. Ensure the document explicitly states your authority to make such decisions.

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Illinois if my dad sign a paper stating he gave me permission to take care of him meically if i call an ambulance does he have to go
Hello! If your father signed a power of attorney for healthcare, it generally gives you the authority to make medical decisions. However, it's important to see if the document specifically gives you the power to decide about hospitalization.
If it says i have permission to send him to the hospital does that mean he has to go if i think he needsbto its not noterrized
Yes, if the document states you have permission to decide about hospitalization for your father, then you can choose to send him. However, it may be beneficial to have the document notarized for additional legal strength.