False Disease Defamation Claim


In Pennsylvania, defamation involves false statements that harm ones reputation. For a defamation case, you need: a false statement, published to a third party, and it must cause harm or damages. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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if I was put on a list for having a disease which prevents me from donating blood or organs even though I do not and never have had the disease is that deformation
Hello ****, it seems like you're referring to defamation. Can you tell me where you're located? Laws regarding defamation vary by country and sometimes by state or province within a country.
Hello ****, in Pennsylvania, defamation involves false statements that harm one's reputation. For a defamation case, you need:
- A false statement
- Published to a third party
- Causes harm or damages
Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.