Legal Consequences Of Sharing


Sharing personal experiences is generally not criminal. Truth is a defense against defamation. If false rumors are spread, those responsible could face legal risks. Animal neglect should be reported. Jurisdiction may apply where defamation occurred, so a case could proceed in Michigan even if you reside in California. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

Full Conversation

I told my friends how he was thousands of dollars in debt and that when we first met he was constantly wanting me to pay for things for him because he had no money or job and would guilt trip me into paying and saying he would pay me back but he never would. I told them that he had transferred money from my Apple Pay to himself while I was asleep and ran my credit cards up until they where maxed out
Hello! It sounds like you're worried about defamation or slander. Generally, truth is a defense to these claims. However, laws can vary. May I know your location to provide a more accurate response?
I’m in cement city Michigan
In Michigan:
- Truth is a valid defense in defamation cases.
- If your statements are true, you're generally protected.
- Still, consult a local attorney to understand your situation better.
I also talked about how the last * dogs we’ve had he doesn’t take care of them, he doesn’t feed them consistently or take them outside. I talked about the dog he has right now and how the dog went 6 days without food even tho he was sitting there telling me he would get food but never did and wasn’t coming home for those days
In Michigan, neglecting animals can be considered animal cruelty. If you believe the dogs are in immediate danger, you may want to report this to your local animal control or law enforcement agency.
Can I go to jail for talking t my friends about any of these issues? They’ve taken it into their own hands and spread rumors and flipped the story but I told them my personal experience of dating him and he wants to take it to the police
In Michigan:
- Telling the truth typically defends against defamation charges.
- If your friends spread false rumors, they could face legal risk.
- You're generally safe if you only shared the truth.
What would be considered defamation in this instance
In Michigan, defamation may occur if:
- False statements are made about someone.
- Those statements harm their reputation.
- The statements are presented as fact, not opinion.
- The statements are shared with a third party.
Remember, truth is a defense against defamation charges.
So can he legally take the screen shots he has to the police and get me in trouble for voicing what I went through and stating the facts of what was going on
In Michigan:
- If the information you shared is true, it generally protects against defamation.
- Screenshots can be provided to police, but truthful statements are not typically actionable.
- Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
If he was able to take anything to the police but I’ve already flown home to California can I still get in trouble
In California:
- Truth is also a valid defense in defamation cases.
- If your statements are true, you're generally protected.
- Keep in mind, different states may have variations in their laws. Advice of a local attorney is recommended.
So if he opened a case on me in Michigan but I live in California now am I protected or would I still have to carry on with the case
In such a case:
- Jurisdiction may apply where the alleged defamation occurred.
- Therefore, a case could potentially proceed in Michigan.
- However, defenses like truth still apply.
- Consult with a lawyer for specific advice.