Hidden Messages In Photos
Hiding derogatory messages in photos on a business website in Indiana may be considered defamation if it harms someones reputation. Context and intent are crucial. Indiana Code 34-15-1-1 defines slander and libel, while Indiana Code 34-15-2-2 provides defenses for defamation claims. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.Full Conversation
Is it illegal for a small business owner to hide derogatory messages in her pictures she posts on her business website
Hello ****, the legality of this issue depends on the jurisdiction where your business operates. Could you please provide more information about your business location?
Evansville indiana
Hello ****,
In Indiana, it may be considered defamation if the hidden messages damage a person's reputation. However, context and intent matter.
- Indiana Code *-*-*-*: Defines slander and libel
- Indiana Code *-*-*-*: Provides defenses for defamation claims.
For specific advice, consult a local attorney.