Slander Defense Legal Guidance


Slander refers to a false spoken statement damaging a persons reputation. In Washington, there are specific laws for slander. Document all communication and allegations. File a police report if you feel threatened. Consider hiring a lawyer to send a cease and desist letter. You may be able to sue for defamation if false statements have caused you harm. Consult with a local attorney for proper legal advice.

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slander advice
Hello ****, slander refers to a false spoken statement damaging a person's reputation. In Washington, there are specific laws for slander. Could you please provide some details about your situation?
A woman is alleging I'm harassing her on social media, I do not have social media and don't know this woman, what do I do?
*. Document all communication and allegations.
*. File a police report if you feel threatened.
*. Consider hiring a lawyer to send a cease and desist letter.
*. You may be able to sue for defamation if false statements have caused you harm.
Remember, this is just general advice. Consult with a local attorney for proper legal advice.