Defamation Legal Guidance Nebraska


Defamation in Nebraska is actionable if the statement is false, published to a third party, and harms your reputation. Consider seeking legal counsel for a defamation lawsuit. Research local attorneys specializing in defamation cases for the best fit.

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There is an x employee who has been going after me calling me a child abuser all over social media. State came in and found that there were no findings on her case. But she's still posting lies. I've been in childcare for 30 years and never have I ran across such an evil person
Hello Kelli, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like you may be dealing with defamation. May I ask what state you're located in? The laws regarding defamation can vary by location.
Hello Kelli,
In Nebraska, defamation is a actionable if:
- The statement was false
- The statement was published or communicated to a third party
- The statement directly harms your reputation
You may want to consider seeking legal counsel in your area.
Thank you. I'm a mess because of everything she is doing
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this, Kelli. You can potentially file a defamation lawsuit. Here are some Nebraska attorneys who specialize in defamation cases:
*. Berry Law Firm
*. Johnson & Mock
*. Rehm Bennett & Moore
Please research and choose the best fit for you.
Thank you so much for your help.
You're welcome, Kelli. Always remember, online defamation is a serious issue. Please seek legal advice from a professional. If you need more help, feel free to ask. Good luck with your case.