False Drug Allegations Defense


False drug allegations in child custody disputes can be damaging. Its crucial to gather evidence to refute the claims and demonstrate your fitness as a caregiver. Legal measures vary by state, so consulting a local family law attorney is advisable. They can guide you through the process, help you understand your rights, and assist in protecting your relationship with your grandchild.

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Carolyn Davis
Hello, Carolyn Davis. How can I assist you with your legal issue today? Could you please provide me with more details about your situation?
Yes my granddaughter lives with my brother and his wife. My daughter has made allegations. About me that I am on drugs and don't watch my granddaughter good when in my care. And they wanted me to take a drug tests when my daughter is in fact the one on drugs by my grandbaby doesn't even live with me.
Hello Carolyn, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It seems quite complex. May I know in which state this issue is occurring? The legal measures could vary depending on the location.