Divorce And Joint Custody


Wisconsin is a no-fault divorce state, and joint legal custody is generally presumed to be in the childs best interest. Physical placement decisions are based on the childs best interest. In Illinois, joint legal custody is referred to as shared parental responsibilities, and the court also considers the childs best interest. Parents must submit a parenting plan. For specific advice, consult a family lawyer.

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Divorce and joint custody
Hello ****, to provide you with the most accurate information, could you please let me know where you're located? Different jurisdictions can have varying rules regarding divorce and joint custody.
Madison, wi
Hello ****, here are some general points about divorce and joint custody in Wisconsin:
- Wisconsin is a "no-fault" divorce state.
- The court presumes joint legal custody is in the child's best interest.
- Physical placement decisions are made based on the child's best interest.
For more specific advice, please consult a family lawyer.
Joint custody in Chicago, il
Hello ****, here are some general points about joint custody in Illinois:
- Joint legal custody, now referred to as "shared parental responsibilities", is common.
- The court considers the child's best interest.
- Parents must submit a parenting plan.
Remember to consult a family lawyer for specific advice.