Discovery Questions In Divorce


Discovery in Virginia divorce cases should focus on relevant issues such as property division, custody, and support. Irrelevant questions can be objected to by the other party. For personalized advice, consider consulting a local family law attorney.

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Can you ask question in discovery for divorce that has nothing to do with the divorce
Hello Crystal. The scope of discovery in a divorce case can be broad, but it should be relevant to issues like property division, custody, etc. Irrelevant questions may be challenged. Can you tell me where you're based?
Sure, Crystal. To provide accurate information, can you please tell me which state you're located in?
Hello Crystal. In Virginia:
- Discovery is meant to uncover relevant material for your divorce case.
- Questions should relate to property, custody, or support.
- Irrelevant questions can be objected to by the other party.
If you need legal representation, consider contacting a local family law attorney.