Medication Rights In Minnesota


Minnesota law protects assisted living residents rights to manage their medications and requires consent before withholding personal belongings. Residents should be informed about their medication provider. Contact local legal aid for further assistance.

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I recently moved into an assisted living apartment. They took my medications withoutvmy consent. Now they tell me the pharmacy is going to stop sending my meds because ivam not makingbthe copaaynbut ivdont know which pharmavy and i also want possession of my meds
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Minnesota, there are certain laws that protect residents of assisted living facilities:
*. Consent is required before withholding personal belongings, including medications.
*. You should be given information about your medication provider.
*. You have the right to manage your own medications, unless it's medically contraindicated.
You may want to contact a local legal aid service for further assistance.