Understanding Financial Exploitation


Financial exploitation involves the misuse or taking of another persons resources without consent, including unauthorized use of funds and deceitful manipulation. In California, it is considered elder abuse under Penal Code 368 PC and can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony, potentially resulting in jail time, fines, or both.

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Tell me about financial exploitation
Financial exploitation refers to the misuse or taking of another person's resources without their consent. This can include:
- Unauthorized use of funds
- Deceitful manipulation for financial gain
- Theft of money or property
Can you share your location, ****, to provide more specific information?
In California:
- Financial exploitation is considered elder abuse under Penal Code * PC
- It's a wobbler, meaning it can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony
- If convicted, it could result in jail time, fines, or both
Is there a specific situation you're dealing with, ****?