Guardianship For Dementia Patients


Guardianship is a legal process where a court appoints a guardian to make decisions for someone unable to do so themselves, such as a dementia patient. In North Carolina, you can contact Adult Protective Services, consult a lawyer about guardianship or power of attorney, and seek support from local dementia organizations. If the person refuses to sign a power of attorney, guardianship may be a necessary step. Consulting with a lawyer can help you understand the process and explore other legal options.

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My husband appears to have dementia but will not see a doctor, also he does not want to give money for groceries and he unplugged the internet. What can l do
Hello Sharon, it sounds like a challenging situation. May I ask where you are located? This will help me provide you with more accurate legal information.
Dunn nc
Hello Sharon. In North Carolina, you could consider:
- Adult Protective Services if you believe your husband is unable to care for himself.
- Discussing with a lawyer about a guardianship or power of attorney.
- Contacting local dementia organizations for support and advice.
These are general suggestions and may not apply to your specific situation.
Thank you, l did think of power of attorney but he will not sign it . What exactly is guardian ship
Guardianship is a legal process where the court appoints a person (the guardian) to make decisions for someone who can't make decisions for themselves (the ward). The guardian may make decisions about the ward's health, finances, and personal affairs.
So l will have to speak to a lawyer
Yes, Sharon. Consulting with a lawyer would be beneficial to understand the guardianship process better and also to explore other legal options based on your specific situation.
You have been very helpful thank you so much
You're welcome, Sharon. I'm glad I could assist you. Feel free to return if you have more questions. Take care.