Assuming Mortgage After Caregiving


If you are a relative living in a home and have been a caregiver, you may have protections under the Medicaid Estate Recovery program in Illinois. You might be exempt from the forced sale of the home and could possibly assume the mortgage after the Medicaid recipients passing. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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My father went into a nursing home and has medicaid. I’ve been living in his home for the past 3 years, two of them being his caregiver. Is there anyways i can assume his mortgage
Hello Sierra, assuming a mortgage can be complex. Could you please let me know your location as laws may vary based on jurisdiction?
Hello Sierra, in Illinois, if you're a relative and living in the home, you may have certain protections under the Medicaid Estate Recovery program:
- You might be exempt from forced sale of the home.
- You could possibly assume the mortgage after his passing.
Please consult a local attorney for personalized advice.