Citizenship Legal Services Available


Attorneys in New York can assist with the citizenship process for someone from Egypt who has been in the U.S. For almost 10 years. Pro bono services are available from organizations such as The Legal Aid Society, The City Bar Justice Center, and Catholic Charities Community Services. Research these organizations online to find contact information and see if their services match your needs.

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Do you know any pro bono. I had a lawyer who did a free name added on my deed .
There are several organizations in New York that offer pro bono legal services for immigration issues. These include:
- The Legal Aid Society
- The City Bar Justice Center
- Catholic Charities Community Services
Please research these organizations online to find their contact information and to understand if their services match your needs.
Thank you kindly!*)*.p0009, o9.*ķ!,,,,,,òo
You're welcome, Gail McRae! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help.